2024 was an amazing year for music in Sydney. Enjoy this opportunity to take a look back at the year that was.

Team SMn x

This retrospective was built by
Joe Hardy (data analysis and hackery)
Jack Hall (design and front-end)
We listed
gigs in 2024
That's an average of 15.81
gigs in Sydney per day
...1,629 of those gigs were free (28%)
15%* of gigs were submitted to us
* extrapolated from data beginning July 7 (total number of conversations: 621)
Top 10 venues on SydneyMusic.net:
1,027 gigs with one or more international artist (17.8%)
there is music in every corner of our city
Here's where the shows happened:
venue explorer
(There's some really cool shit down below, but just quickly - if we can take a moment to talk about ourselves ...)

Our tiny team spends 60 hours a week maintaining this resource

It's time well spent: our gig guide is read by 9,000 people every week — and our audience is growing quickly!

78% of our users say that they see more live music because of what we do. 79.4% say they discover new music through the guide.*

Our project is currently 100% crowd-supported, and we do not receive any government or industry funding. To enable us to continue gathering this information and help Sydney get out supporting our scene, please consider becoming a Patreon supporter or buying some merch.

And now read on to see the rest of what went on in 2024!

* According to a survey of 194 gig guide users, captured January 2025.

2024 in a nutshell
These numbers don't include gigs we don't list, including covers/standards sets, tribute shows, private venues and loads more ways hard-working musicians, venues and crew keep the lights on.
This information was collected by Zion Garcia, Joe Hardy, Genvin In, Jess Lord, Caitlin Welsh and David James Young, and made possible by our community of supporters, donors, and merch-buyers. Join them here.
hardest gigging acts
busiest venues
all gigs by date
Top 600 acts